Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What does “alternative educational resources” mean?

We have three approaches to alternative educational resources:

1. Educational resources that are not found on traditional educational platforms. These are resources that are not part of a formal educational curriculum, such as part of a homeschool curriculum or an open university class. Examples of this are the educational resources of museums, personal blog posts

2. Resources that are not explicitly for educational purposes but have great content that can be used for educational goals.

3. Traditional educational resources that are found in non-traditional places , such as high-quality open-source textbooks or educational activities on a professor’s personal university pages

What are your guidelines for including a resource, especially those that cost money?

The general guideline for the inclusion of a resource is that it be a publically available resource that can be accessed either for free or for a very low-cost fee (usually $10 or less, and only if we believe it to be a good return on investment), which has information that can be used for educational purposes

All resources that do cost money will be explicitly marked ($). All resources that may have a certain bias (religious, political, etc.) will be noted (*). All resources for which we earn any money from will also be explicitly noted (@), and visitors are encouraged to search for the resource on a separate search engine if they feel uncomfortable clicking through the link.

Can you guarantee the quality of all the resources?

Unfortunately, I don’t have enough time and energy to use every single resource on these pages. I have tried to choose those that seem to be high-quality and provide an objective benefit. There are a few I have used personally, and I will discuss those in blog posts, but I encourage you to approach each resource with an open but objective and critical mind.

How do I contact you if I have a complaint about a resource, notice a broken link, have a question or comment, or have a suggestion for a resource?

Please email me at! I would love to hear from you.